
Below the preliminary program of the 3 days of conference and exhibition.

Note that industrial visits may be organized on july 4th morning.

Morning Afternoon Evening
01/07 Scientific sessions & Exhibition Scientific sessions & Exhibition Welcome cocktail
02/07 Scientific sessions & Exhibition Scientific sessions & Exhibition Gala Dinner
03/07 Scientific sessions & Exhibition Scientific sessions & Exhibition
04/07 Industrial visits sites


Conference Dinner

Cruise dinner on the Seine river on July 2nd, 2025

We warmly invite all the participants to enjoy a summer evening on the Seine. Along with an excellent dinner on a private boat, you will have the opportunity to appreciate a sightseeing of several major monuments in Paris, such as the Eiffel Tower, Orsay Museum, Louvre Museum and Notre Dame Cathedral.

July 1st PM

Plenary Session

Recent Trends in Digital Radiography – Uwe Ewert (DgzfP)

Uwe Ewert was faculty member at the Baker-Lab of the Cornell university 1989/90 and Director and Professor of the division “Non-destructive testing, radiation methods” at the German research institute BAM-Berlin (Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing) from 2000 to 2017.
He is elected vice chairman of the “radiology committee” of the German society of NDT (DGZfP), past member of the DGZfP advisory board and council member of Academia NDT International and he is delegate and convenor of different standard committees and working groups at DIN, CEN, ISO and ASTM.
Uwe Ewert received the Berthold award of DGZfP (2005), the Roentgen medal of the birth city of Prof. Roentgen, Remscheid (2009), the Briggs Award of ASTM-International (2010), the Roy Sharpe Award of BINDT (2016), the needle of honour of DGZfP (2021) and the Innovator Award of DIN (2021 for a team).

July 2nd AM

Plenary Session

“Tomography in Aerospace: Safran’s Journey, Current Challenges, and Future Needs” – Frédéric Jenson (Safran Tech)

Frédéric Jenson is a seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience in R&D management, specializing in non-destructive testing (NDT) and advanced inspection technologies. Senior Expert for the Safran Group, he currently leads the Research and Development department for non-destructive inspections at Safran Tech, a position he has held for the past 10 years. His work at Safran encompasses both innovative technologies and AI-assisted defect recognition, driving significant advancements in aerospace quality control.
Prior to joining Safran, Frédéric worked at the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), where he held several key positions within the NDT department. Notably, he managed the development of the CIVA simulation software, a critical tool in the field of non-destructive testing.
Frédéric holds a Master’s degree from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Paris.
In his keynote lecture, Frédéric will share Safran’s achievements in tomography over the past decade, discuss current challenges, and provide insights into the future needs of the industry.

July 2nd PM

Plenary Session

Potentials of Quantum Computing for Tomography – Theobald Fuchs (Fraunhofer EZRT)

Dr. Theobald O.J. Fuchs studied physics in Erlangen, Germany, and achieved his Ph.D. on correction methods for X-ray Computed Tomography in 1998. He worked as research assistant in the field of medical imaging until 2003 when he shifted his scientific focus to non-destructive testing by means of 3-D imaging.
Since then, his work includes fully automated defect detection in industrial production, inspection of very large objects by means of a Linear accelerator as an X-ray source, development of various applications of X-ray micro CT for digitization of cultural heritage, and others. Since 2012, he gives lectures at the physical faculty of the University in Würzburg, Germany, on 3-D X-ray imaging as well as signal- and image processing. Since 2022 he is leading three projects in the field of Quantum Computing for industrial Imaging

July 3rd AM

Plenary Session

High energy laser-based X-ray source – Cédric Thaury, ENSTA – Paris Tech /LOA

Cédric Thaury is a senior CNRS researcher at the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée, where he leads the UPX team, which focuses on developing ultra-fast particle and X-ray sources based on laser-plasma interaction as well as their applications. In 2017, he was awarded the Fresnel Prize for Applied Aspects by the EPS, and in 2021, the Laclare Prize by the SFP.

July 3rd PM

Plenary Session

X-ray micro-tomography for non-destructive study of natural history specimens : a review from the MNHN

Patricia Wils has a PhD in Image acquisition and processing from INSA Lyon and is a research engineer at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN, Paris). She is a specialist in post-processing X-ray tomography images with a focus on natural sciences applications.

July 4th AM

Industrial visits

Industrial and/or lab visits are planned at the end of the conference, on the morning of July 4th, 2025